How to deal with office politics – 8 Steps

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How to deal with office politics – 8 Steps

This article will expose you to how to deal with office politics, while remaining relevant at your work place. Office politics occur in every organization. There is no work place on earth that office politics do not take place. It can either be in good form or bad form.

In either ways, this article will give solutions on how to overcome politics in workplace. Since most organizations have limited resources and more staffs which can lead to competition among these staffs. Each team will compete among themselves to satisfy their own needs and goals, even when this may go against the “greater good” of the organization itself.

All organizations, firms, companies, have work politics because these workers bring their personal emotions, expectations, needs, ambitions, insecurities and differences into their professional lives.

Each person want to be successful, so, therefore, they cannot always agree with one another about what this means or how they will achieve it. Office politics arise when these personal differences and opinions become difficult to manage.

Also, it should be noted that there is hierarchy of power in every organization. Some people will always be more powerful than others, either through hierarchy or some other source.

Majorly, what brings about office politics more is that most people often care only about the their personal decisions, or the decisions that others make about them. so, they  seek to influence people’s choices.

However put, Office politics are the differences that occur between people at work. These differences can be noticed in opinions, personalities, authority, or power.

Office politics is the difficult social structure of a workplace. It involves employees using their authority, power, and delegation for their personal   motive.


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How to deal with office politics – The 8 Steps

1. Building friendly connections

Friendly connections is one of the major things you must learn when dealing with the question of how to deal with office politics. Apart from existing relationships among workers, like team members, look about cutting across friendship ties to other co-workers, managing and executive members. By doing this, ones social network is being formed. Don’t be afraid of politically powerful people. Instead, get to know everyone, and build high-quality connections.

Being friendly with everyone, will make you to be on safe side with them. Avoid staying too close with one group or another. And, if you’re considering a personal relationship at work, let this relationship be based  on consent, to avoid any suggestion of illegal or inappropriate influence.

2. Understanding the networks of your workplace

In your workplace, understand the networks of operation here before taking any step so as to avoid stepping on any body’s toes. Once you know where the power and influence lies, examine people’s interactions and relationships to understand the informal or social networks of your workplace.

Try to find out how influence flows between parties and groups in the organization, and whether there are any interpersonal conflicts, or bullying of any kind among them. Also, watch out for who gets along with who, and who finds it more difficult to interact with others. Look out for in-groups, out-groups or cliques. Notice whether connections are based on friendship, respect, romance, or team work.

3. Avoid unnecessary complains

When it comes to dealing with office politics, you must avoid all forms of unnecessary complains. Avoid making unnecessary complains or remarks about the workplace to any of your colleagues. You might occasionally have problems at work, but, find yourself a way out of these problems. However, talking about the frustrations you face or displaying bad attitude makes you an easy target. Keep your complaints about your workplace, your boss, and your coworkers to yourself.

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4. Being professional

Being friendly with colleagues helps to build a sense of belonging at work. But there’s a fine line between being willing to help  and being too available. Letting people know too much about you may cause others to use it against you in the future.

Unless you have good reason to, try to maintain a friendly but professional stand at work. Setting boundaries with your colleagues  to create clear work structures will also prevent your colleagues from taking advantage of you.

5. Speaking out

This can equally mean to be brave and making ones voice to be heard. But knowing when and how to stand up for yourself is an excellent skill to have. When  voicing out concerns or criticism of your own, be confident and assertive but not aggressive. And make sure that you take an organizational perspective, and not a selfish interest.

Speaking up and letting people know your opinion when you or someone you know is being unfairly treated will show your strength. Plus, it will give office bullies less inclination to pick on you. But, it should equally be noted that, it is not advisable to be too blunt at all times, to avoid being picked on.

6. Avoid negative set of people

When working in an organization, learn to  become more positive by not “fuelling the fire” and joining in negative politics. For example, in most organizations, “Rumour and Gossip” has taken the order of the day. So avoid passing on rumors without taking time to carefully consider their source, credibility, impact and genuity.

And likewise, don’t rely on confidentiality. It’s safer to assume that whatever you say will be used against you someday, so choose carefully what “secrets” you reveal. Remain professional at all times, and don’t take sides, or get involved in arguments or gossips. When an issue or conflict arises, always remember that there doesn’t have to be a winner and a loser. It’s often possible to find a solution that will satisfy everybody.

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7. Develop your personal skills

While working in an organization, develop your personal skills. Strong Interpersonal Skills will give one a good stand when it comes to building and maintaining strong network. Look back on your emotions, what prompts them, and how you handle them.

If you can learn to self-regulate and control yourself, you’ll be able to think before you act and make decisions. This kind of emotional intelligence helps you to pick up on other people’s emotions, and to understand what kind of approach they like or dislike. Also, learn  to listen carefully too. Have listening ears.

8. Make good use of your network when still working

By making good use of your strong network when working, you build up your relationships, build your personal brand and raise your team’s profile. When you communicate this achievements to your connections, they might open up opportunities to “shine” for you, your team, and your boss.

They can also act as a “bridge or link” between you and other colleagues. Also, learn to be accountable for your actions. This demonstrates your honesty and integrity. So always ask for feedback from others who may have a different opinions or perspective on your work. This is a good way to find out what’s most important to the people in your network, and it shows that you value other peoples opinions, and it equally means you are not self-centered.

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Author Since: November 16, 2023

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